August 25th, 2001: Pet Mania Continues!

Would you believe those crazy people at the Council on Animal Welfare wouldn't give me those cats I wanted? They called the same night I wrote my last entry and asked me a bunch of questions, then they asked if I had "permanent screens". They won't give me the cats because I don't have permanent screens in my windows. Now forgive me for being an idiot, but I didn't know there was an epidemic of cats falling out of windows, but let's make things clear here, I DON'T leave the windows open at all, I put in the screens and then when summer is over, or if there is a storm I take them out and immediately close the windows. Meanwhile the poor kitties are still sitting in that cage at PetSmart waiting for someone else to volunteer to take them in. Yes I'm sure there are a plethora of people waiting to adopt two ADULT stray cats. UUUUUUURRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway we didn't get the cockatiels either, my boss told me about someone who unfortunately had to give away her conure, so now we are the proud owners of a beautiful Blue Crowned Conure named Baby Girl. Baby Girl is not yet willing to speak to us, but she has allowed us to hold her, and seems genuinely interested in our activities. I mindlessly ate one of her peanuts the day after I got her and she had a little hissy fit. We are just loving her though, even with her rather distinctive SQUAWK! Her former owner says she can say a bunch of things like "I love you" "Give me kiss, kiss" but so far she's not willing to share with us, of course she only arrived Wednesday, and then my kids weren't home so every day she is meeting someone new and I think it's all very confusing for her. BCC's are little parrots, if you saw the movie Paulie then you know what they look like-this is a pic from a webpage. I think they are quite adorable. My boss also did me the favor of clipping our keets wings, she's very upset with us now for doing that, and is glaring at us from the corner of her cage, but we'll start working on helping her love us again tomorrow. Poor baby!

I got Alex's black moor set up in the 10 gallon tank, so we bought him a buddy today and named her Colleen, so Braveheart and Colleen are happily swimming around in their tank, we bought a castle to put in there too, seemed fitting since we're going with the whole British Isle type theme :)

School days are closing in on us again. Only a couple more weeks of summer vacation left. We had to go buy the school uniform shoes today, we made a day of it, lunch at Applebees, window shopping, pet buying etcetera. I finally heard from Albany about the job, it seems they will not be making any decisions until a couple weeks into September which is awful, because it means the kids will be in school for quite a few weeks if I get the job and then we'll have to interrupt everything to move upstate. But.....I really think I've got it this time. :::keeping my fingers crossed!:::

My depression meds seem to be working big time. The anxiety has lifted completely, the terrible deep sadness has eased, I'm not all better, I'm just able to function again, and joy of joys, my PMS was wiped out this month!! I've bought 2 workbooks by Mary Ellen Copeland The Depression Workbook and The Loneliness Workbook Yes, I know they sound very uncreative, but having looked through the exercises and starting work in the first one (depression) I think they will be a help in understanding me.

That's it from the pet kingdom.!