I am Winter's child
born dreaming into snow
longing to embrace winters cleansing breath
with best intentions I was clothed
sequestered under woolen wraps
struggling to reach free
to feel the elements cooling breeze
forced behind protective warmth
They worked hard to keep me safe
Natural instincts held down and curbed
I became deceptively silent and self absorbed
within the walls created beneath
their abnormal shell
I forgot how to reach to feel the soothing winter wind
I lost the chance to ride, held high upon those storms

You are winter's child
born dreaming into snow
contemplative, tiny reaching out for things unknown
with best intentions I freed you
removed the warm receiving gowns
your hand reaches clenching at the air
your body stretching at freedoms taste
I long to hold you close but you beat upon my breast
with tiny fists demanding space you need the most
I free you from that close embrace
winter's fresh breeze caresses best
you relax into my arms
freed of all demands.